Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mortal And Immortal Love by Gladys V. Jones

Three years ago, browsing at the most lovely outdoor used book shop (Bart's Books in Ojai,, I purchased a stack of books that would later sit in my cabinet until I eventually moved out of my beloved one bedroom westside second story apartment. I dispersed of all but my most treasured belongings when the apartment was sold, but one of my selections from Bart's made its way with me to my new place near Larchmont Village in LA. The cheerful yellow hardcover and title, Mortal And Immortal Love, caught my attention that day in Ojai and yet another year later, this past May, I finally gave it a good read. Good really doesn't describe this mystical masterpiece; Ms. Jones wove a hauntingly profound tapestry of soul love and psychic love, karma and reincarnation. 

Mortal And Immortal Love begins with Ms. Jones explaining her process - I found out online that she was an LA based psychic and New Age writer in the 60s and 70s. I wasn't able to find out much else about her, though I am a tireless huntress of information when intrigued. She channeled this work through psychic readings and connecting with her higher self/soul/infinite consciousness. In this book, she tells the tale of a mortal woman, Psyche, and Eros, son of Aphrodite (Venus), the Goddess of Love. A winding path to be sure, one that is poetically explained and analyzed by the author in the context of both timeless and modern lust, love, marriage, loss, fate, and destiny.

Much of the book is in prose, like a song from a wise old soul. I've looked for Gladys online, wanting to thank her for her incredible work. I've not found a way to contact her and my feeling is that she has returned to the astral plane that she wrote of with such clarity. I did however find that she wrote three other books, which I promptly ordered: The Flowering Tree; The Greek Love Mysteries; and Reincarnation, Sex And Love. I've just started The Flowering Tree and it is fascinating, awakening and eerily familiar. 

I highly recommend that if you are able to find a copy of Mortal And Immortal Love, or any work by Gladys V. Jones, that you plug in and enjoy some higher self reconnection. Sometimes I have a question in mind and turn to a random page and find insight and comfort nestled within, as though Ms. Jones is still practicing her craft from the beyond. 

Thanks Gladys V. Jones, wherever you are. 


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